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I certify that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize Shorehaven to check the references I provided and check with the appropriate public authorities regarding my background. I understand that should I be offered a volunteer position, any misrepresentation by me may lead to termination. I also understand that my volunteer service can be terminated, with or without cause and/or notice, at any time. I understand that completing the application process does not guarantee acceptance as a volunteer.
I authorize Shorehaven to publish my name, picture, testimonials and/or survey results in marketing materials which promote the organization and its programs. This includes but is not limited to: video, advertising, publications, website, annual reports, committee reports and social media. I understand no compensation will be paid to me. I understand that Shorehaven will be held harmless for any unauthorized reproduction of information by parties not authorized by the organization.
I certify that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize Shorehaven to check the references I provided and check with the appropriate public authorities regarding my background. I understand that should I be offered a volunteer position, any misrepresentation by me may lead to termination. I also understand that my volunteer service can be terminated, with or without cause and/or notice, at any time. I understand that completing the application process does not guarantee acceptance as a volunteer.
I authorize Shorehaven to publish my name, picture, testimonials and/or survey results in marketing materials which promote the organization and its programs. This includes but is not limited to: video, advertising, publications, website, annual reports, committee reports and social media. I understand no compensation will be paid to me. I understand that Shorehaven will be held harmless for any unauthorized reproduction of information by parties not authorized by the organization.
Check here to show you accept the terms stated above for yourself or for a minor Volunteer for which you are the parental guardian.